Peruvian Naturals supports Juan Carlos and Julio Miguel in Cajamarca, Peru

Peruvian Naturals has made a fresh round of micro-loans to small agricultural businesses in Peru with our pledged 3 percent of earnings. Below are the recipients’ stories. Our donation put Juan Carlos over the finish line for his loan and brought Julio Miguel within striking distance.

Juan Carlos


Juan Carlos is 40 years old and in a common-law marriage. He lives in his own home made of rustic materials with his partner and three minor children in the district of Santo Tomas, province of Cutervo, department of Cajamarca, Peru. He has many good personal and professional references from the inhabitants of his area. The people of this area are mostly dedicated to agriculture, trade, and ranching.

He makes a living farming, specifically growing coffee of the Catimor variety. He has more than 7 years of experience in the field. Additionally, he makes a living raising bovine livestock. He is requesting a loan to buy manure and fertilizer and pay his workers. This will allow him to make a better income for himself and his family.

This loan is special because: It reaches the underserved.

Photo and story from Juan Carlos on Kiva.

Julio Miguel

Julio Miguel is 45 years old. He is single and lives in his parents’ house in the district of Colasay, the province of Jaén, the department of Cajamarca, in the country of Peru. He has very good personal and work references from the residents of the area. The inhabitants of this town work mostly in agriculture, commerce, and raising cattle.

He works in agriculture, specifically, growing rice. He has more than 12 years of experience in this field. He is requesting a loan to invest in the purchase of compost and fertilizers and the payment of his workers. This way he will obtain higher income for himself and his family.

This loan is special because: It reaches the underserved.

Photo and story from Julio Miguel on Kiva.

See our lender profile on Kiva.

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