Why Peru still needs help after the Coastal El Niño

It’s that time of month again and Peruvian Naturals has just donated 3 percent of earnings to the relief effort after historic floods devastated northern Peru and other regions.

Unfortunately there is less media attention now that the waters have receded, but the people of Peru need help. Peru’s president has said it will cost $9 billion to repair and restore all the damages.

But the image that stuck with me personally, as a small business owner, was a TV news segment I saw on one of the local news channels. The news team toured a provincial bus company in Chiclayo. The water was gone, but the entire fleet was buried under about six feet of dirt.

The camera and crew were walking around the buses, whose roofs came up to the their knees. They had to kneel down to peer inside the windows, to see dried dirt in every nook and cranny of the bus. They also toured some local homes that suffered the same fate. People had to literally excavate their way back inside.

And of course there are thousands of people who lost everything. El Comercio reports that 9,000 people in the hardest hit region of Piura are still living in shelters.

Peruvian Naturals is donating 3 percent of earnings, but anything helps. The Peruvian embassy in the U.S. informed us that any of the NGOs on this website are recommended:


If you read Spanish, the best website to follow developments from the coastal El Niño damage and relief efforts is unasolafuerza.pe.

Peru thanks you for your support!

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