Organic tara tree farmer Fausto in Cajamarca

Peruvian Naturals has donated this month’s earnings pledge to support Peruvian agriculture to Fausto, a tara tree farmer in Arequipa. In this case, we are also excited to be helping a farmer looking to get into the organic space. According to his Kiva profile:

Fausto’s story

A loan of $1,700 helps to purchase organic soil amendments.

Fausto is married and 49 years old. He has two children, ages 24 and 23, who are independent. His wife works at the house and supports in the agriculture. The loan will help to purchase organic soil amendments to improve the production of his plot of tara trees which will allow him to have greater income.

Among Fausto’s hopes and dreams are improving his family’s quality of life with the increase of his income. What he likes the most about his business is selling an organic and quality product.

This loan is special because it helps farmers diversify their sources of income and better provide for their families.

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