Introducing Gelatinized Organic Maca Powder

Peruvian Naturals has just launched Organic Gelatinized Maca Powder in a one-pound pouch.

We currently offer raw organic Maca powder. Gelatinized Maca powder is ground from boiled roots, which removes the starch. Some consumers find gelatinized Maca to be easier on their digestive system.

In that sense, gelatinized Maca powder is an adulterated Maca product. It could be called an “extract,” in that it is a condensed form of the original whole food. So while some of the special agents of Maca are found in greater quantities when gelatinized, other agents were boiled off.

Both Maca products are effective. It’s just a matter of preference. If you have a sensitive stomach, try gelatinized Maca.

Interested? For the product launch we’re offering a free bottle of Maca Nitro with every purchase of gelatinized powder.

  1. Add Gelatinized Maca powder to your Amazon cart.
  2. Add Maca Nitro to your cart.
  3. At checkout, apply this promo code: ZLLJ5AHH.

The promo starts tomorrow (Feb. 24) and runs through June! Here’s the copy-and-paste link:


Maca is grown in the Andes Mountains of Peru, where it has been used for 2,000 years by people of the region for energy. Inca warriors ate Maca before battles.

And remember, 3 percent of Peruvian Naturals earnings are donated to small farms and agricultural businesses in rural Peru. So you’re making a difference … thanks!

Peruvian Naturals Maca powder is certified organic by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

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